Some friends (yep the famous J's) turned me onto this game about a week or so ago. It's on facebook and part of the reason why I been missing in action at times. Instead of working, I have been wasting my time playing Facebook Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. My goal is to get higher than my friends. I did it once but have no clue how I did it.
So I went off to the world wide Internet and googled Bejeweled Blitz hints. I decided to share them with you all here. Gotta say I have done all of them and still at times have to use that hint button because these old eyes just cannot find a match.
1.The multiplier is key. How it seems to work is to first get a power gem. Power gems form when you connect a sequence of 4 like gems. Once you have that, create a cascading sequence that causes a power gem to explode - so do one move that starts another move that makes the power gem in Bejeweled Blitz explode. (Easier said than done).
2.Your first move of the game should be to look to make a power gem. Take a second and look for one. Many times, the game starts you off where you can easily make one. (Hey I am lucky sometimes to even find one match let alone a power gem).
3.One of the best ways to get cascades to happen is play at the bottom of the screen. When you do that, you're a lot more likely to get things above to just sort of randomly happen. (Yep tried this. Didn't work. I am beginning to think these games are as rigged as the slot machines in Vegas).
4.Always be looking to create power gems. Always. That's basically your goal. The more you have on the screen, the more likely you are to find combinations that will make them explode. (Again the trick is to find one).
5.When you get a multiplier on the screen (first make as many as you can), your next goal is to get it to explode. You don't necessarily need to get that multiplier's color combination to do this. If you have a power gem next to it, then get that power gem to explode and you still get the multiplier because the near by explosion caused it also to explode. (Have never ever been able to do this. It's hard enough to get one let alone more than one).
6.Once you make a combination on one side of the screen, immediately look to the other side of the screen where blocks being removed won't affect anything and set up your next move there instead of waiting to see what happens where you just made your move. This saves a ton of time and you don't get "lost" when things didn't work out like you wanted. This is an important Bejeweled Blitz tip for sure. (Are they for real here? I am lucky to see one side).
7.If you can be patient and try to group like colors/gem together instead of just making single, 3-gem combinations then you're more likely to be able to create a power gem. (No shit sherlock).
8.One strategy I use on the longer game is to look for combinations based on color/gem. Look over the whole board and do all the blue ones, then maybe the red ones, etc. If you deplete a certain color, then the game is usually more likely to give you more of that color when it gives you more gems, thus putting those gems near each other. It sort of creates nice groups for you. This might not be the best strategy for such a short game, but try it if you want. (Tried this 3 times. Didn't do anything for me).
9.Once nice thing about this version (Bejeweled Blitz) is that you can move gems before the game lets you. Once the game is ready, it performs that move. If things are happening, you can go to another sector of the board that isn't going to be affected by what's going on and make a move in advance and sort of get ahead of the game. Not all versions of Bejeweled let you do this, so take advantage. You can also get in an extra move at the end of the game even when time has run out if you've done moves in advance while time was still on the clock - usually just one move though. (Yeah if you ate your wheaties and had a chaser of Red Bull).
10.You can get down to the point where there are not a lot of combinations. When that happens, look at the top of the screen where new gems have come in. You're more likely to find a combination there since the game seems to be set up with its own rule so that you never get stuck. This can actually play to your advantage since it'll keep having to make combinations to obey its rule and you can all of sudden get multiple cascading combinations going almost automatically. (Fingers in ears....yadayadayadayada).
11.Hypercubes. They're great to get. What really matters in Bejeweled Blitz is if you use it when your multiplier is high. So you can save it if you want. Just don't explode it or you lose it. (Great to get? I have gotten 2 in over 5,000 games. Pray - ya gotta pray).
12.Play quickly. There are bonus points for playing fast. When you make a connection and you hear the higher pitched noise, that means you're making those bonus points.(So you are telling me this is not for old people?)
13.Play on a computer that's fast enough, has enough memory and a good Internet connection. Close down other programs if you have to. (Laptops don't work?)
14.If you have a bad game, don't get down. Just play another one. Since the background color of the game seems to change, sometimes it's harder to see gem combinations with certain background colors - so it's not you! (Now this is how it sucks you in).
15.If you're stuck, use the Hint button. It's better to take a small hit on points than waste time.The game usually gives you excellent hints. (Just found the hint button but a word of caution - you need to watch the screen to find the hint because it doesn't stick around long enough).
16.And don't look at your score until the end of the game. You might lose focus if you do. You should look at what level your multiplier is though. (This was the only thing that was true. I didn't look the one time I got a high score. I was like holy beegeebees how the h did I do that? I felt like Urkel).