I had a bad night last night with pain and finally stripped off the bandages this morning and found out my foot was strangulating itself and all my toes were sausages. Hubs left the bandages off for a bit and put an ice pack to my ankle to try and reduce the swelling so he could rewrap it before he had to be at the office. He did rebandage it. Son fed me lunch. Played around here for a bit but not really in a good mood - tired and cranky = the witch with a b.
So I decided I needed something inspirational until the drugs kick in. I went to one of my favorite websites: http://greatday.com/
This was today's motivating inspirational quote:
Force of goodness
Be a force of goodness in this world. Be a source of light.
Let the joy you imagine flow out from you and take on a life of its own. Give love and see it grow.
Feel the dreams and values and visions that are most authentically you. Let them guide your thoughts and actions.
You are beautiful in your very own way. That special beauty is your gift to life, so give freely and enjoy each precious day.
Live true to what you know is good and what you know is right. What you gain by so doing is truly worth having.
Feel the miracle of which you are a part. And live the goodness in every moment.
-- Ralph Marston
Good is the pain pills and knowing that my staff is operating without me and taking care of things. I never expected this last surgery to put me out of commission so long. I will ponder the true power of those words on a clear mind later. Right now I am snuggling down on my side. Funny thing - the pain pills don't help the rear.