Yep today's topic is infomercials. Why you ask? Because I am still stuck in bed and honestly I swear I could write one by now. They are so stupid.
Believe it or not, I think there is actually a format for an infomercial. They use catchy phrases, repeat things like crazy, use celebrities as hosts or guests, and use limited time offers. There is a lot of "But wait!"; "But wait there's more!"; "But that's not all!"; "But Wait! Call in now and we'll knock off one payment/make first payment for you and add (whatever item they are hawking or something to go with it)"; or "And if you aren't satisfied, you can try (product) risk free for (number) days"; or this one: "Not available in stores!". Some of the most famous ones I see over and over is lately is the Sham Wow and The Snugly but the Chia Pet infomercials always begging the Christmas season. The worst I have seen is the Colon Cleanser (Klee Irwin) who talks passionately about bowel movements and has an oil slick on his head. Kinda makes me wonder why one doesn't just eat White Castle - does the same thing and cheaper.
Infomercials - we all know they are the most ridiculous commercials on TV. Somehow they exist and are thriving. They tap pop culture and use the famous marketing tool of word of mouth type advertising fundamental. There were even Snugly walks and get togethers in Chicago. They have subtle humor, cheesy corny scripts, overt drama to go with a simplistic and practical (ok not always practical) product that you absolutely must have in order to live.
Basically infomercials are persuasive advertising or persuasive writing. I am trying to watch as many as I can so I can figure out out to get my husband to give me a butt massage. I figure they make millions that they can teach me a thing or two about persuading my husband. Wish me luck!