Ok....my day today besides putting my ankle up to keep the swelling out of it thus the pain out, consisted of getting ready for work (takes me a couple of hours because I can't put my foot down for more than 10 minutes at a time), bumping down the 19 steps on my sore rear to get to the 1st floor, then working for 5 hours, then came home and crawled back up the stairs, hopped over to the bed and laid down, putting my foot higher than my heart. I have played a few games on the internet, answered a couple of emails, and am watching a movie.
This movie happens to be Love in the Time of Cholera, a book I loved. The movie adaption not so much. I find that often happens. I love love love the book but hate the movie. There is one of Picoult's coming out soon - Memory Keeper's Daughter and I loved the book but haven't decided if I want to see the movie.
Anyone else feel that way?