Ankle update: the remaining sutures were removed today - pretty painful since the skin had supposedly grown around them. I don't really know because I can't look. I know I am a registered nurse. I should be used to blood, guts, and gore. But on myself no way. Got some pictures but they are not pretty. I think I will wait until the blood is not there.
Give me a gang war in the ER to repair the slashed and gashes, give me a heart attack and do CPR and give the needed drugs and record everything, give me a car accident with multiple injuries, give me ankles that look like golf clubs, give me broken bones with the bones coming out of the skin, give me gunshot wounds to clean where you stick your whole hand into their belly. Just don't take me to surgery because I will pass out in 2.2 seconds as soon as I put a mask on. Plus don't let me look at you doing anything to me like giving me a shot, doing surgery on me including ingrown toenails, and don't let me look at you taking out my sutures. I will pass out.
I am an empath. I will feel your pain. I don't understand why I can't see things done to myself unless you listen to my husband who says I am just plain weird. No clue. Doesn't matter. Weirdness - I take the 5th.
Does the ankle feel better with the sutures out? Can't tell. Feels the same. Does my butt still hurt? Sure does. I think my son was going to choke tonight when he heard that with the size of my rear, I was more concerned about the pain in my tushie than in my ankle.
Ankle back into a splint which is a half cast. Still non-weight bearing for another week. Joy Joy.