I had my doctor's appointment today. I swear my husband conspired with my doctor to keep me non-weight bearing and on my sore rear, staying at home in bed. The doctor said I am progressing although truthfully, I can't tell. I can't move my foot and ankle - I look at it willing it to move but it doesn't listen to me (kinda like the kids and hubs do - selective hearing).
So I got put back into a non-weight bearing cast for another 2-3 weeks and told to keep doing what I have been doing which is not working.
Now hubs made me take a pain pill before I went to the doctor and of course, it made me loopier than normal. I swear I heard the following conspiracy:
Hubs: "It is a real pain to take her anywhere with the scooter and the crutches, then waiting on her hand and foot. Besides I get peace during the day away from her."
Doctor: "Well, then let's keep her non-weight bearing and staying at home so your son takes care of her and you don't have to deal with her. Also make sure she takes those drugs that make her loopy so she sleeps and doesn't realize what we are doing."
Hubs: "Sounds good for me. I get another 2-3 weeks of peace."
Now I am not for sure they really said that but they did escape from my room while the tech was putting my new cast on and were talking about me. I know this because my nose was itching and we all know that when your nose itches, someone is talking about you. And remember I am on drugs. Trying to remember through the drug foggy brain, I think they did say 6 weeks of non-weight bearing but I don't seem to remember the not working bit.
All I know is I will be on my rear for another 2-3 weeks and my right leg in the cast is getting skinnier and the fat is being pushed up to the rear which seems to be spreading from all the sitting.
It's a conspiracy.