Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Little of This and That

I totally forgot to say Happy Memorial Day to all the veterans and their families out there. My father served in the Korean War and my FIL was in WWII and marched with General Patton in 5 battles from Egypt to Italy where he was wounded in the Battle of Anzio. I have many friends I went to high school with that also lost their lives or survived but with horrible consequences (Vietnam War) along with the children of friends who were in Desert Storm and friends of my children who are currently serving in either Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, etc. War is horrible and I applaud and give thanks to all of you who fought for my freedom and their families who served by standing by their spouse or child.

Ankle update: Still on my rear in bed. I am allowed to go to the bathroom and take a shower and twice a week to work at the one office. I am not allowed anything else. First thing I ask my hubs for when he returns from work: rub my rear. I swear I never knew I didn't have enough padding.

I have been reading a whole lot - reviews coming soon. I have also got involved in a new reality series this year on WGN called Hitched or Ditched. It just amazes me how many out there who are in long term relationships that can't decide to marry or not and instead just live together for however long they want. Hitched or Ditched gets those couples to either commit to marry in one week or ditch their SO. I have watched 3 shows with only 1 realizing they really loved each other and got married. The other 2 ditched. I knew even before the moment hubs and I got engaged that we were getting married and we committed to each other long before we did get engaged and married. I just don't understand what today's youth are thinking. It's an either or, not a play house until we decide. Definite generation gap for understanding for me. I always went by the logic that if I had to ask if this relationship was for real and if I loved him, then it wasn't. If I knew, it was right. My gut has never led me astray.

Other than that, I got nothing but a sore rear.