For the most part, our area has not been hit with spring storms like other towns around us. The storms coming in from the west seem to split in 2 with one going north of us and the other south. Last night and today we weren't as lucky. We are currently in another wave of huge storms so I am sure the total number of inches will be a lot higher. Before this storm started, O'Hare had 3.6 inches which broke the last record set in 1961.
Around our house, one could not go west or east or north or south. Hubs had a few surgeries today to do at the hospital and he had to really wind around to get home. Normally the hospital is 15 minutes away but it took him over an hour this afternoon. The above picture is a low point just east of us, blocking off the road and making a new lake of the road. Thankfully we have not taken on any water but we do have a river on either side of us running between the house to the north of us and the house south of us. When we built this house, we deliberately put in drain tiles and a dip between the houses to allow for rain run-off.
We have lost power on and off today which is why I haven't posted earlier. It's also been an interesting day. Thanks N for going and getting my purse then bringing said purse to son and I who were stranded at the beauty shop. I kinda did an OOPS when I got out of his car - I pushed the auto door lock, locking him out of the car after he had dropped me off. We thought he would run out of gas but thankfully he was ok and made it to the gas station.
Curious to see how much more rain we got tonight.