Well, I made the call and postponed my surgery that was to happen on 9-24. Why? Because my husband wants me to get a 2nd opinion - he feels that my surgeon has had 3 tries to fix my ankle and it's still not done. Me - I trust my doctor. But to shut husband up, I agreed to postpone the surgery until I get him around to my way of thinking.
In the meantime I am waiting.
I thought long and hard to find the silver lining or good part of postponing it.
Then I remembered.
If I time the rescheduling right, I can get out of cooking Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Guess who will have to do it then? Yep there are repercussions going against what I want! But guess who will end up doing all the cooking? Yep moi! I am just like that.
Yeah, liking this postponement!