I remember thinking when I was young that I was going to have this magnificent relationship with my own child. Then of course, I became a mother. I slowly learned that children, like parents, are not perfect and there is no perfect person. I also learned that my children didn't tell me things just like I didn't tell my parents everything I did or went.
I try to remember this and keep it in mind when dealing with my kids. Daughter has been staying here at with us and while we love her to be here, it's hard when a 29 year old daughter comes home even for a few days. I am trying not to revert back to the mommy mode. She is going out tonight with her girlfriend who was her maid of honor and an honorary daughter to us since I have known her since she was in kindergarten.
I tried. I really did. But I found this erupting from my lips: "What time are you going to be home? Where are you going? Who will be there?"
Daughter looked at me. I looked at her. Then I said, "Wait, who said that?"
She did tell me where she was going.......what she was doing was a whole lot more interesting than what I had planned for the night. She was going to a sex toy party. She wouldn't take me. Yes, I asked. So I told her to bring a brochure back for me. Her response: "Lalalalalala. TMI......I don't want to know."
Guess I should take her lead - TMI.
But then that wouldn't be me..............snicker........once a mother - always a mother - one who wants to know who, what, where, why, when - no matter how old they get. And she will always be the child - NOYB.