It always makes one feel good when they help others. I am no different although I don't have a clue as to how I helped you on some of these things you used as search terms to get to my site. I am not sure I want to know either.
Only a few:
1. This is the top one - doodling. It could be circles, boxes, squares, triangles lines with and without arrows, hearts, straight lines, flowers, your name or other's names or your name with other's names, stars, fingers, eyes, 3 dimensional stacked boxes, diagonal line crossing, physiology doodles squares, what you doodles say about you, why we doodle, etc. I was pretty amazed at your fascination with doodling although I would like to know why we doodle and if you find the answer, let me know.
2. The next one was text 101 and amazingly enough - this page was bookmarked quite a lot. I think parents are as confused at the gibbley gook as I am.
3. My beef base recipe was next. I heart this recipe. Hope you liked it.
4. Sundown syndrome - gosh I sure know a whole lot about this. I could probably write a paper on how to be a caretaker of someone in sundown and not strangle them or tie them to their bed or how not to lose your sanity. I do like the most recent way of preventing my father-in-law from exiting the front door: have the door handle fall off in your hand. Still working on trying to get him from packing every evening or hiding his things so we are always playing hide and seek for his undies, his glasses, etc.
5. One of my favorite quotes: "Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but by what takes your breath away." What is interesting is what words they put into their search engine for that quote:
"life isn't about the amount of breaths you take" Sorry to disappoint you but you do need to breathe in order to have life.
"dont count how many breaths you take" Sorry again, but your respiration rate is actually very important medically.
"love is not measured shakespeare" Shakespeare wrote this quote? Really?
"life isnt measured by minutes, but in being the beingness in it" Huh?
"before i die book reviews that life is not about how many breaths you take" Hope I helped you find your answer before you died.
6. Chin hair growth - this ranged from how long to how fast your chin hair grows, to
"how to increase chin whisker growth" to "does obesity cause chin hair" to "developed lump after plucking a hair off my chin" to "white chin hairs hormonal" to "thick neck and chin whiskers menopause" to "15 i am no leg hair" to "how to get rid of bumps on chin after tweezing". Don't quite know what the '15 i am no leg hair' means but hope you found your answer.
The rest were kinda off the wall:
"putting a marker in a breast" Okay - would that be a pink or purple marker? Permanent ink or washable? And why?
"hide my balls" LMAO - someone else hides their balls on them? I thought it was only my son who did that.
"crocka d'potato" Huh? No clue. Maybe hopefully another language?
Then the top two off the wall:
"kitty farts" **snort** I know my granddoggies fart but my cat never farts. Do kittens really fart and which post did I discuss this? But I really need to know because I am looking at adopting a few kittens since I was not eligible to get the dogs because I wouldn't put in an 8 foot fence around my property.
"top 10 dirtiest purse phone" Now I know I talked about the top dirtiest places but this exact phrase was in quotes, meaning that phrase has to be in my blog. What was this on the 30th page of a google search? And what exactly is a purse phone? Can you call your purse's phone? Does it answer?
And people thought I was crazy. Maybe I just attract them.