Most of you don't know but hubs and I have been looking to adopt a cat or dog or both. We had narrowed our search down to 4 cats and 4 dogs from a local shelter when we learned a friend of our daughters was moving and needed to find a home for her dog. We turned our attention then to the 8 year old male dog of hers (Lab and spaniel mix).
Only that fell through. So we were going to start searching again.
Then I ran across an article in the paper. 4 dogs for adoption - preferably to stay together. Okay, normally this wouldn't interest me that much - that is, until I read whose dogs they were. I know their former owners. I went to grade school and high school with the man. He was a really special and nice guy. They were his and his wife's dogs. They were recently killed in a motorcycle accident. The dogs names are Tacoma, Cedonia, Everett and Anacortes.
OMG I can't resist. Look at those poor eyes of those 4 dogs - just reaching down into my heart and tempting me. How could anyone resist?
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