Between the economy, swine flu pandemic, political free-for-all because Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize, I thought that today I would look past these things and instead...........CELEBRATE.
Ever feel like breaking out singing? I hate the song "Celebrate" but today I lurve lurve lurve it!
WHY you ask? Well, because FINALLY the weather is going down where I like it.....nice and nipply. No you perverts - I do not notice or want to notice other people's nipples. Nipply to me means the weather is getting nice for a hot flashing momma.
Here in Chicago that means temps in the 20's to 30's - beach weather for me. So a note to all of you who live in either the Keys or Southern States or California when it hits 70 and you begin wearing your furs and Uggs, now is the time to stay where you are so us Northerners can CELEBRATE! We even have a .....loud drum roll.......freeze warning for tonight!
I am all excited. And if I had known it would be in the 20's for the Chicago Marathon, I might have even run in it. I mean that's the only reason I don't run in it - one can't predict the weather in Chicago in October (or any other month).
We had snow flurries this morning......today Des Moines had 1.1 inches of snow! I can't wait.....it feels like it has been summer for soooooooo long.
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