It’s easy to fire your employer if you aren't married to him. Did you know that more employees fire their employer than employers fire employees? Yep it is a statistic. The reasons why vary from quitting for better pay, better working conditions, to better opportunities. There is also a statistic that an employee will fire 7 or more employers in their working life.
But what can one do if they want to fire your boss that happens to be your husband? I hate Wednesdays during golf season. He gets up at the ass crack of dawn (making sure all are awake if he has to be up) and then goes and walks the 18 hole golf course chasing a stupid white ball around. He then comes home pissed about something he was doing wrong and thus sets the mood for the rest of the day.
When he is tired, he is the crabbiest man alive. Top that with crappy weather or a crappy golf score and the day just goes downhill. Then try to go to work with him.
Is he nasty to the patients? Nope - he's as sweet as syrup. To me? I have learned to just not talk to him at all on Wednesdays because there is nothing that will come out of his mouth that is usually worth my getting upset over. I chalk it up to no sleep. Today he was PMS'ing along with no sleep along with playing golf in a light rain along with getting a crappy score. Yep - he had oodles of nasty permeating his pores just looking around to piss me off.
Today he pushed the right buttons and accomplished his mission to exude the nastiness onto me. I quit and told him to stuff the job you know where. The other girls told him that if I go they go.
He knows he has to apologize. He knows he was in the wrong. He knows he was crabby. And he knows that the crabbiness and nastiness on me was undeserved. We shall see how long he remains in the doghouse. He reminds me of 'The Fonz' - the words "I am sorry...." never erupt from his mouth. Instead, he will go out of his way to do things for me. Tonight I got taken out to eat. Wonder what tomorrow will bring?
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