......can go take a flying leap off the nearest cliff!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are missing an employee due to the death of her father (see Sunday's tribute to Charlie). I changed the answering machine message to state that if you get this machine, to call one office between 9a to 2p and another office from 2p to 7p. Hey - I figured at least I informed them where to reach us.
Want to know how many hangups I got? 15
Want to know how many left obnoxious rude messages? 5
One of the 5 wanted me to pay for her to call the other number. I reminded her she had the option to leave a message and that we would call her back. She didn't appreciate that. Said she was going to report me to the doctor and get me fired. I smiled.......and gave her an appointment.
Another one stated that we should be open. I think her words were: "Awww...come on" (Mind you this same patient missed her last appointment). Thank goodness another girl got her phone call to the other office. This is the same lady who bugged me every hour for 7 hours on the emergency line no less, to remind the doctor to call her. When he did get home that day and called her - it was about an appointment to which he told her to call the office on Monday - that he doesn't make appointments. I think at one point she also was going to report me because I wouldn't let her talk to the doctor.
Then on top of that - I finally friended my relatives to my facebook account. Maybe I should be committed.
Is it a full moon?
/end rant
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