When I first joined Facebook, I had a steadfast rule of close friends only and definitely no relatives. In fact, I repeatedly turned down 'friend requests' from my relatives. I gave them no reason - just flat out denied them and when I would get request after request week after week, they were then blocked from even seeing me.
As I learned more on Facebook and its privacy settings, I allowed more on my Facebook as friends - co-workers who I viewed as friends, and even 2 of my nieces. I found a few people I went to college with and even grade school with and friended them. I had no problems.
That is until my father went to the OK family reunion and mentioned I was on Facebook (how he knew I have no clue unless it was a family discussion on how I won't allow anyone to be my friend on there - believe me - they definitely had this conversation without me around or there would have been a major earthquake in Chicago as I would have erupted).
I reluctantly added a few cousins I got along with or cared what their opinion was.
Then I learned how to set even more privacy so I didn't have to even see them and they couldn't read anymore than what I wanted thanks to my wonderful techie girl who even teaches me how to work my cell phone (okay okay - I admit I am technicallogically challenged).
How did I do it? I organized my friends into lists like relatives, peeps, yuckies, etc. I think it's nifty neato that they can't see my lists so I can name them anything I want to. I have a couple more lists I am going to start - the yakkers (you know them - they have to tell you when they pluck a hair), the gamers who are the ones who play games -like Farmville or Mafia Wars).
Then you just go into your privacy tab and check off who can see what. If you choose that customize button, you can be more a whole lot more specific.
This website is where I learned a whole lot: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/the-complete-guide-to-facebook-privacy/
So if you are my friend on Facebook, are you a wee bit curious what category you fall in?
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