That is our home right now.
Because the kitten still isn't declawed (we declaw the front ones only), the kitten is banned to the master bathroom. Our 12 year old female cat is on top of the fridge. The 2 bulldogs have the rule of the house (yes, we are dog sitting while their parents are on vacation, hopefully making me grandbabies).
So we play musical chairs with the animals. If we allow the kitten to come out, the dogs are locked up. The 12 year old female cat sometimes deems it okay then to come down from her perch on top of the fridge but we have "the disdain look" or the "I am chief cat look" and won't even let the kitten get close which is fine as we are trying to avoid bloodshed.
Last night, the kitten was locked in the master bathroom, the dogs were in their beds at the foot of our bed, and who decides to enter our bedroom but the cat. So the dogs go to chase the cat who manages to get the door open and escape before the dogs get there. With all the excitement which the kitten hears, he now thinks it is time to meow for us to let him out. The dogs now go to the bathroom door and head butt it, trying to open it, then start barking at the kitten who is now meowing louder. I finally get the dogs to their beds, the kitten shuts up since it doesn't hear anything, and peace reigns again for another 30 minutes when we repeat the entire scenario.
Hubs didn't hear a thing. I, however, am an exhausted new mom. I AM TOO OLD FOR THIS. I NEED MY SLEEP. I can only hope this all calms down.
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