So somehow I managed to raise 2 kids halfway decently. We both survived through all the phases of childhood - the terrible 2's and the tantrums, the grade school need to be like each other, the tween years of bad hair days, the teenage years of PMS days and parties and according to them being grounded most of the life, and into the adult years when I have managed to get one out of the house but trying to make life miserable so the other one will leave too. Yeah, don't think I did so bad.
Then why do I suck at training animals? Demon kitten lives up to his name of Trouble. Blowing in his face when he uses his claws on me as a scratching post or spraying water in his face when he bites my toes or making a loud noise or rattling rocks in a can does not phase him in the least. I know we are to get cats used to water when they are young but Trouble has absolutely no problem with water. In fact, he has learned how to slide open the shower door and get in the shower with you.
That was his newest trick and my surprise of the day. Me stark naked sans glasses so I can't see, encountering fur in the shower (don't go there). Twasn't pleasant.
This cat loves water. This cat loves to do anything possible to annoy me. This cat thinks that anything I bring into the room to drink is a communal cup. This cat thinks that when he can't jump up enough to get onto my vanity stool to get into my makeup, that it is perfectly okay to dig its claws into my legs and climb up.
I realize Trouble was born on 8-1-09 and thus still an infant but can't he be a bit quieter? I know this total frustration I feel with him is just my age and thus why people my age don't have kids.
But then he turns me into a big pile of doo when he lays in my arms purring and snuggling as close as he can get to me.
Sigh........maybe he's just training me.
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