Friday, April 20, 2007


Sorry I haven't been around. But I really have had a good excuse...or at least one I am sticking to. Work has been nuts. I sleep, work, and eat. And I have started a 'wedding diet' (more on that later).

Back to the of my friends sent me a birthday present. In it, I got Daisy. Now only someone who knows how weird and crazy I can be will understand how this totally tickled my fancy. Daisy has a position of honor on my desks (I carry her to each office as she never leaves my side). When things are the craziest and all I want to do is scream and stop the craziness and slow the world down....I go in and hold Daisy....and then let her do her thang......Thanks friend!

Without further is Daisy:

Now how Daisy puts things into perspective for me and makes me laugh:

**ps it can be loaded with skittles too**