Wednesday, May 23, 2007

College or youth pranks

M asked me in the previous post what I wrote here meant: "participate in a panty raid in the boys dorm" so I thought I would answer that and add a few other things I have done.

I grew up in the 60's and early 70's...the beginning of the hippy and sexual many of these might not be applicable to what you have done or seen.

I will answer M first....participate in a panty raid in the boys just that. A panty raid meant that one goes and gets the panties (underwear) from a member of the opposite sex. Since this was a sorority thang and on campus there was this one greek frat that all the Italians and cool guys were in....the names of some of those guys were put into a bowl and one by one each of us pledges would draw a name out. We had to somehow get the underwear of said name. Now you have to go back to those dorms were not co-ed and I went to a Catholic college. There were girl dorms and boy dorms and neither were close to each other...they were across campus from each other. Basically we had to sneak into the dorm (the biggest obstacle was to get past the front desk monitor who didn't allow the girls to go up to a boys room or vice got called down and you had to meet each other in the drawing room) and then get into the named boys room and get a pair of their undies. Well, many tried and many failed. I won't tell you if I succeeded failed.

Other things I have done or seen done: during band trips I would push the limits on the rules. Each year we took a huge trip (one year we went to Washington DC, 2 separate times to Florida, and once to Canada and down to NY and past Niagara Falls). We always went by bus. The rules were we were not to be in the hallways after curfew. Well, I will say I was never once in a hallway but I learned how to pack a rope with knots and climb out windows and go to the party room (there was always one). I won't say who did it, but I did happen to see a bra raised on the Canadian flag pole right under their flag. I will admit to ordering a pizza and giving them my credit card number, then ordering a taxi to go pick up said pizza and deliver it to my hotel room. I never stepped a toenail outside into the hallway. I followed the rules.

Other things: my father was a high school teacher and I knew all the teachers on a personal level (they attended parties at my parent's house). I would take pictures with my Brownie camera of them getting drunk and riding tricycles or their cars down the street or over the lawns. I would 'forget' money and would walk into the teachers lounge and ask for my father who I knew wasn't there. I would say that he forgot to give me lunch money (we were supposed to take our lunches from home instead of buying them). Teachers would give me money like it was candy and would never say anything or ask for it back. Another thing was my father used to sign piles of hall passes. I would take oh say 10-20 from a pile and use them to get out of class and meet my friends. Now I could have sold them for a pretty penny but no....I didn't.

There were numerous other pranks in college dorms...penny one into their room, use a manila envelope and fill it with shaving or whipping cream....push it slightly under a door and stomp on it (it would flood the room with the cream)....short sheet people...put frogs in their the legs closed on their underwear....

Come on....I can't be the only one who has done/seen things like this......spill your prank!