Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hell Week

When I was in college and pledging a Greek sorority, we had miscellaneous things we had to do....strike a match then recite the greek alphabet 7 times forward and backward without burning your finger, stike another match and recite your drivers license number forward and backward 10 times without burning your fingers, clean the other member's rooms, participate in a panty raid in the boys get the idea. Life was somehow simpler back then. All I had to do was work 8 hours a day, go to school for 6 hours a day, sleep for 5 hours a day, and socialize the remaining times. Hell week then.

Hell week now: My week started in the dentist chair....after never being in a dentist chair and experiencing either a shot in the mouth or the drill for 53 years...I was in that chair 3 different times this week. Seems my mouth does not like the glue that holds on my temporary bridge and is repelling it. My diet this week is tepid water, lukewarm yogurt, mashed potatoes, pureed foods. Anything else I am in pain. Was back to the dentist on Saturday and today after the shots wore off: pain again. Then I decided to make myself new pillows for the couch because I couldn't find any I liked in a color I liked. I started a couple of weeks ago cutting out the fabrics. One finger got a wee bit close to the sewing machine needle and got basted which just pissed me off since I had to wash the fabric then to get my blood out of it. Work this week consisted of 14 hour days only to come home and work on my own billing service clients...oh and signing the contract on the reception hall and still trying to find a church for the wedding. Friday I finally finished the pillows and made matching curtains. Saturday before dentist I made my marinara sauce. After dentist I threw together 2 lasagna pans and made garlic bread, packed...then we were off to to sister's house 3 hours away to help with the makeover where other members of the family were (some had been since Thursday). We finished this morning with 30 minutes to spare. It was a success and our most ambitious project ever....sister's face: priceless. But right now all I can think of is getting this last load out of the washer and into the dryer so I can go to bed....and thinking the cicadas have made their appearance already....and I have to work the entire week.