Saturday, September 1, 2007

Approving Blog Comments

Blogspot gives the owner of the blog the right to moderate comments on their blog. I understand that it is needed at times (bad language, spammers, heated discussions, etc). What happens if you commented on someone's blog but it was never accepted and there wasn't a thing wrong with it? Reminds me of high school. I think if you use the comment approval choice, you need to make sure you keep up with blogger comments and either approve them and let them post or reject them and let the commenter know why. I chose not to moderate comments here. Why? I guess it comes down to the old thing called social acceptance.

Social acceptance is a large part of how we learn to accept and love ourselves. Children and teenagers do many things to gain the acceptance of their peers. By growing up, we learn how to love and accept ourselves for who and what we are, regardless of what others think. We learn to either follow our own beliefs of what is right and wrong and to either follow what we know deep down in our hearts is right or to follow the crowd. But it still hurts even as an adult when you are not accepted. I had a few days of self pity then decided that if they didn't like me, it was their loss not mine. I won't be visiting their blog ever again.

Guess I will always be the rebel. I follow what I know is right, and God's Word. I actually really don't care what others think of me. I refuse to bend my ideals and beliefs to another. I am who I am and proud of who I am. I write what I want and I allow others to say what they want whether or not they disapprove or not.