Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Full Moon Day!

Although I am dreading today since it is a full moon and I will be training today (a friend who will start working for her husband doing what I do), plus our software vendor decided to print statements for us for our patients even though they were just done 10 days ago and we are going to have zillions of calls, I wanted to wish all of you a bright and beautiful day.

Of all the days we have (yesterday and tomorrow), today is the one you are living right now. It probably will not be perfect nor everything you want it to be, but it is all yours and yours to decide how you are going to spend it.

Look around you. Here in the Chicago area, the leaves are changing. I will try and get some pics because the colors around us are amazing. As many of you know, we redid our landscaping last fall in preparation for our daughter's wedding this past spring. We are now getting to see the fall beauty of the garden and I must say, the landscaper was amazing. He picked up what I wanted perfectly.

Take this day to remind yourself how precious life is and how thankful you are for your life even though it might be on a roller coaster right now. Find things that are filled with joy and find meaning in the little things.

Spend time today focusing on your thoughts on what's right with your life right now. If you can't look at the big picture, look for smaller ones. Find things to be grateful for.

And above all, appreciate today.