I have this problem. My husband's social security number, tax ID's, driver's license, medical license, DEA number - you name it I can rattle them off at the drop of a hat.
My info - another matter all together.
Today I was checking on the status of my passport application online. The form called for the last 4 digits of your social security number. Couldn't remember mine for the life of me and on the off chance I do remember it, I have to mentally say all the numbers to get the last 4.
How many of you can rattle off 4 obscure numbers like that? Why can't they do the 1st 4? Are the 1st 4 numbers banned or do they deliberately make it difficult for us?
How many of you even know that there are parts to a social security number? The SS# is a 9 digit number divided into 3 parts.
The 1st part is the 1st 3 digits and represent a geographical area. Before 1973. that geographical area meant the area where you first applied for your number. Since 1973 the Social Security Administration began assigning numbers based on the zip code of your mailing address on the application for the card. Generally the people who live on the east coast had the lowest numbers and the people who lived on the west coast had the highest numbers.
The middle two digits are the group number. These numbers have no special meaning; however they are assigned in a special way. The group numbers range from 01 to 99 but they are not assigned in consecutive order. For administrative reasons, group numbers are issued in the following order:
1.ODD numbers from 01 through 09
2.EVEN numbers from 10 through 98
3.EVEN numbers from 02 through 08
4.ODD numbers from 11 through 99
As an example, group number 98 will be issued before 11.
The last four digits are serial numbers. They represent a straight numerical sequence of digits from 0001-9999 within the group.
Now brain farts are a spontaneous stupid (stupid the noun, not stupid the adjective) usually accompanied by loss of train of thought and saying something fantastically stupid without realising it. These I am proficient in.