Have you ever had a dream that you swore was real and had happened? I do rarely but this case happened last Friday.
The time was noon and I had been up since 6:30am with little sleep for 3 nights prior due to working and my ankle not liking being up and walking on it even though it is in a cast. To say I was cranky was probably putting it mildly. One thing hubs promised me was that he would always carry his cell and he made me agree to stay in bed for most of the day Friday to rest my ankle.
I guess I drifted off at one point that morning and woke at noon thinking I was hearing my husband yell at a patient who had called that morning since she was in severe pain. He was telling her that she had been up on it too much and he had told her she had to be non-weight bearing which meant no weight. I swear that happened.
I was pissed at him yelling at the patient so I called him on his cell. The cell started ringing next to the bed. Ok he forgot his cell. He promised me never to be away from his cell if I gave up the foghorn to get his attention. So I called the house phone. Ok he didn't answer that. So I got up and went to the window thinking he was outside chipping with his golf club in the pouring rain in the backyard but he wasn't there. So I
By this time I was really pissed. I got up, threw on a robe, put a shoe on my good foot (which isn't really good since it has been abused by the other one not taking its fair share of everything), and slid down the stairs. I hunted all over the house for him. I was getting really really pissed by then. I went to the garage and there was no car. I am thinking great - I am all alone in the house and no one cares and someone was going to be in deep doo-doo. I called the flower shop next to the office hoping he had the decency to go see the patient at the office but nope - car was not there. I start fuming at the kitchen table. Steam was arisin'.
30 minutes later, he walks in the garage only to be attacked by me yelling at him for what he has been putting me through and that he left me and that he woke me up and that he yelled at the patient. He didn't know what hit him because he had just gotten home from the surgery. In reality he had not been home at all yet.
The real story is that I dreamed it all. I did get a phone call from the patient who I did tell that he would call her back when he got out of surgery. That was probably right before I dozed back off which is why it was on my mind. Pretty realistic dream.
I had to do some major sucking up afterwards to hubs. He kinda got yelled at for a lot. Most times he does deserve it but in this case, it was all in my dreams. Kinda afraid to get this dream analyzed.
Now today is a whole different matter. Now he needs to suck up to me big time.