Monday, July 20, 2009

New Fangled Gadgets vs Adults

There should be a young person assigned to each adult when they purchase new fangled gadgets.

1st new gadget - okay, it isn't really new since I just got it in March (for those of you who can't figure that out in the old math - that's a mere 4 months ago). The gadget is my Sony 505 Ereader. I have downloaded books every month with no problem. I have made folders in my Windows Explorer for read books and I move books to this folder when I have read them (duh!). I spent 4 hours Sunday looking for new books to read and downloading them. I thought they went to the Sony but I forgot to SYNC. Glad I checked that last night before I left for vacation. (In reality I didn't really check it as much as I was trying to determine which cords went to what gadget so I could remember the right ones to take. So when I plugged the cord into the Sony, it turned on and said I only had 5 books left. I said a few choice words - okay swore but swearing we learned is good. Okay, in reality, I was a truck driver swearing. Now I never would have realized I had forgotten that if I hadn't been looking for the right cord and gadget #2 was messed up too and my great office girl told me what was wrong with it and I thought maybe that was what was wrong with the Sony too. I checked and viola I needed to SYNC it too.

2nd new gadget - still not new since I got it for Christmas (7 months ago using the old math). But in my defense, I have only downloaded once to it. I had transferred all my CD's to it and downloaded a few I wanted. Then I put the instruction book in a nice safe place where I knew I would find it again when I needed it. I misplaced lost can't find where said safe place is so I couldn't find the instructions but I figured I am an adult and I could wing it. Yeah, I winged it. I downloaded new songs and transferred hubs CD's to it....oops forgot to say (if you haven't figured it out yet), I am talking about my IPod. I thought I done did good. I have one of those nifty home docking thingies with an alarm clock too and I went to set it to a particular album I had downloaded and it wasn't there. In fact, there was a lot that wasn't there. Guess I needed the instruction book! Thank goodness for young office employees who said I needed to sync and told me how to do it. Done did it tonight and checked it and viola, synced. That's when I got the idea that maybe the Sony needed sync'd too and viola, it sure did.

3rd new gadget - new cell phone that I had no idea what I got. Daughter came yesterday to pick up the granddoggies and I was so proud and told her that we got new cell phones. She asked me if it was chocolate. I said no - it was some type of blue. She said I got the EnV and I said no, I got the E - n - V phone. Why spell it like that when we all know envy is spelt e - n - v - y? Yeah I am kinda clueless. I didn't know chocolate meant the TYPE of phone, not the color. So I am showing her the phone we got for MIL and said the guy at the store called it the idiot phone because it was so easy to use. Well, I went to show daughter and couldn't figure out how to turn it on. Yep idiot proof for idiots. Today I took the phone to the office and had the young office girl teach me all about my phone.

So I think all new fangled gadgets should come with a young person so us older people can use what we got. Then again maybe they do this on purpose and the cat in the picture says it all.