So are old thoughts a sign of old age?
Who out there has any of my brain cells?
Hubs was up and out early this morning to do a surgery on one of our patients. Of course, he makes no noise so I wasn't disturbed at all and slept peacefully through the ton of elephants and alarms going off (insert eyeroll). So I was up at 6:30am. Yes - me. Yes - it does happen every single time he gets up before me and thus wakes me up. I really think the old time idea of separate bedrooms has some merit. I mean I would get to keep my half of the covers (although I never use them but they are mine so I should be able to even see them). I would be able to sleep a full 6-8 hours instead of in spurts. I am sure there are more but can't think of any (getting up that early must have something to do with it). ***sigh***
I regress. It's those missing brain cells that are full of old thoughts I am telling you. So the purpose of today's post is about old thoughts. You know, those thoughts you considered way super important and wrote said thought down on something (in my case it's a post-it note since I am queen of the post-it notes). But you lose said note and can't remember what you were trying to remember. Or maybe didn't even write it down and now can't remember what you were thinking about or going to say or do. Or you write something down on the note, can't find it again, then maybe a year or more (in my case it could be even be a day) you find said note but now you try to figure out what the cryptic mess you have written down means.
I have no clue on one note. I should try to remember dating them so I know if it is important and maybe that would spark a flicker of memory. But this one note in question consists of 2 letters and 4 numbers. My thought was a license plate number but it wasn't mine. Whose it is, I have no clue. Why I wrote it down I have no clue. Why I kept it I have no clue. What it means I have no clue. The memory must be in that brain cell that went ***WHOOSH***
So if anyone finds that brain cell that had that old thought and all the reasons, please call me. Actually I am missing quite a few as I age. It's really starting to bug me now and so much that while I was composing a letter to the United States Department of State, Passport Agency, to get my passport with my newly certified certificate from the county I was born in, I was telling them about the note.
I think I got up too early.