Ever have something planned and you had all your areas covered and you were all hepped up and kinda excited thinking of doing something.......and then "SHAAABAMMMMMMMMM" it defuses, you plans go up in flames, and your balloon pops?
That was me today.
Wednesday I had called the passport agency to check on my passport. I was told it was still in process. I gave the girl the whole story and what day the county certification was sent plus who signed for it and how long this process was taking. Plus on top of that, they were doing this to someone who just happened to be born to a woman and a man who happened to be a member of the Armed Forces and took advantage of the services provided to men and women who serve their government and used said facilities that are owned by the government. They told me to call back today.
All for a passport.
I was ready to just go on to Toronto. I knew I could get out of the United States. It was just the getting back in that was the problem without a passport. I even made plans to stay in Toronto until the passport agency decided to send me my passport and it could then be overnighted to me.
I was all set to throw a hissy conniption fit.
I had my balloon popped.
I called today. My passport is in the mail.
Now let's see how long Chicago's postal service takes to get it to me.
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