I bet you all are thinking I have really lost it now. Yep I am going to talk about cabinet doors. I liken them to the toilet seat post. For those of you who don't get the connection between cabinet doors and toilet seats, these are 2 of my pet peeves. They are about the same level of things that piss me off. The worst though is what happened last night.
I went to bed wiped out from the day from hell yesterday. I even resorted to a pain pill which I rarely do so when I fell asleep I pretty much zonked. I got up around 6am to potty and still wasn't really awake.
If you guessed I went splish splash you are right. Thing is after the splish splash, I went to stand up and hit my head on the overhead cabinet door. No blood drawn but it just blows my mind how the other person who uses the master bathroom would gosh forbid put the toilet seat down but close a cabinet door. I think it is a good day that one only of those occurs.
So I come downstairs after my shower and getting ready to find EVERY SINGLE cabinet door wide open in the kitchen. Now why he was in the crystal cabinet I have no clue. Why he was in the rag drawer I don't want to know. All he did was make coffee but the tupperware cabinet, the glass bowls cabinet, the pots and pans cabinet, the mixermaster/blender/food processor/salad shooter/breadmaker cabinet door was open, the dinnerware cabinet was open, the cooking utensil drawer was open, the pot holder drawer was open, the silverware drawer was open, the tablecloth/napkins/placemat drawer was open, the spice cabinet was open, and the tea/measuring cup/coffee cabinet were ALL open.
I can only conclude that in order to make coffee, he needed something from all the above cabinets to make said pot of coffee.
It's a male mind that has no clue as to why he does it. I think he does it to annoy me or maybe it's the cat who likes to hide in the cabinets and scare me.