Sunday, June 3, 2007

Week in Review

All of us have had those Kodak priceless moments....yanno the ones.

Bad: As you all know, hubs and I spent the weekend pulling up carpeting, painting the hall and the new surgical room at the one office, and painting the 2nd story of our house. Discovered muscles I never knew I had.

Good: Tuesday after work we celebrated son's 24th birthday at the restaurant of his choice. Bad for me since they think garlic is the main dish.

Good and hilarious: Wednesday I got to do one of my favorite thangs....preparing the month end reports for my clients and sending them their monthly invoices then did another favorite thang...went to a dinner meeting and learned all about the new vein surgery....then got to watch hubs try to help clean up the office for patients the next day while very snookered.

Bad: Thursday I got to go get my permanent bridge put in and what I had thought was going to be the end of my wrong I was!

Worse: Saturday after office hours I ended up back in the dentist chair getting a root canal done knowing that this dentist thang still isn't over.

Very bad: Saying goodbye to 4 of son's friends who have yet another tour in Iraq (most have spent 4 tours there already).

Good: Today we spent at my nephew's high school graduation in cicada territory. We all met at my sister's then carpooled to the high school. During the 4 hours we were at graduation (which was moved indoors due to the mating calls of the cicadas overpowering the PA system), our car tires were covered with the little things. Here are some pictures taken in cicada territory:
Cicadas at base of the tree...the brown ones are dead shells and the black ones are live:

Cicadas on the tree singing their mating song:

Cicadas mating:

Cicadas on our tires:

So-so: All in all, for a blue moon week, it's just been a so-so week! I am still not out of pain with my teeth. Weight loss is now at 35 pounds which is good for the wedding diet and kinda getting used to oatmeal and tepid water and scrambled eggs as a diet. I did bring out my juicer for some pureed vegetables.

Priceless: Downloaded Eva's books and reading them and looking forward to...... :)