Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Countdown - 8 days - starting to ramble

The bride and groom outfit I ordered for dogs came in. They are too little so re-ordered new ones. Hopefully they come in on time. Both dogs are girls but one is larger than the other so she is going to be the boy and wear the tux.

Today we got the final bill so have to get a cashier's check for that but it came in under what we had thought so there is leftover money now for a new laptop for me before Vista is the only OS you can get. I don't want to invest in all new programs yet.

I had payroll to do and it was on the list and did it, but sending it in wasn't on the list. Thankfully it was only the one girl who only works at the one office. She is leaving anyway to visit her grandkids so she said to just bring it in on Monday. Put a reminder on tomorrow's list to send it in for the other girls.

Client office called and are sending a check finally (they are 4 months behind). I started tacking on rebilling charges and sent them a certified letter warning them of work stoppage as of 4-30 unless they catch up. I will believe it when I see the check.

Yesterday had my first dress fitting. It was an interesting. First, they ordered a petite size and yet somehow there was still 4 inches to cut off the hem. I swear they ordered it totally larger than what I needed to make money in the alterations. Oh....and alterations are CASH only! When I met with the alteration people, I understood the cash part. No one spoke English. Cash is under the table. I demanded a receipt. Next fitting next Tuesday.

So since I forgot the payroll, I checked the family calendar and found out I have to add godchild's confirmation to Saturday's schedule. Thank goodness I picked up an extra shirt when daughter and I went shopping (it was a 2 shirts for one sale) so now I will wear one Saturday with the pants, then wear the other for the rehearsal.
My head is still attached but at times feel it is on my ass instead.

Foot still becomes thigh by the end of day but I am getting better walking without looking like I am drunk or limping or looking at the floor. I also started driving either yesterday or a few days ago. Can't remember. I steer clear of rush hour. Please steer clear of me.

One of son's friends fell playing basketball last night and can't walk today. He's at the office right now. But he was supposed to help son and I tomorrow carry things to basement....should say I was to direct them on what is to go down 2 flights of stairs. Trying to get a replacement now. Decided to do a total rearrangement of the furniture in the house.

Painted the futon today on the grass - glossy black. Dogs tried to help and brushed up against it a few times so shall see what daughter has to say about her black striped dogs when she comes to pick them up after work.

Dinner ready to throw on grill (made kabobs). Easy cleanup.

Think one of the dogs is sick. Her farts are killing me and when she gets that bad she has an intestional infection. I am sure daughter is not going to be happy when she comes to pick them up but I am tempting her with leftover stuffed shells I made last night. She might get distracted.

Gave myself a B12 shot. I needed the energy boost.