Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This and That

Wedding update: 24 days to go. Change in colors of flowers a bit. Handled that yesterday. 3 days to go before RSVP's need to be in and there are 1/4 yet to respond so looks like I will be spending the weekend on the phone. Then it is table of the biggest nightmares. Daughter and I have already fielded phone calls: "I can't sit next to so and so". "Don't put so and so next to me". "I don't want any bratty kids next to me". "What do you mean we are not at one of the head tables? I am her godfather." **sigh** I still think my idea of putting one member of my family and their family with one member of the groom's side at the same table will solve all issues.

Ankle: I have been walking now a week. Each day it gets stronger however, I still walk like an old lady and cannot climb stairs without taking each stair at a time. I need to be able to light the unity candle elegantly. Inside incision still open but down to a pinpoint.

Health: I finally succumbed to the upper respiratory virus currently in our area. I figured when everyone in the office had it, I would get it. But I will say my immune system held out for quite a while as I am the last person to get it. I am still down one girl to tonsillitis. I am working but in a mask.

Mother of the bride dress: Still looking. Going out tomorrow with daughter again.

Bachelorette party and bachelor party: All went well with both; well, for the most part. Some drama but nothing that wasn't handled. Nicest thing: we got the granddoggies for the entire weekend.

Home repairs: Coming along. Painting son's room.

Weather: Typical Chicago spring weather. Temps up and down. Rain. But we had thunderstorms so things are now greening up. Robins were spotted; however, snow is called for this weekend.