Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Breast Biopsy - update

Well, I honestly don't know. The lump they biopsied was negative for 9 cores. However, the surgeon doesn't think they biopsied the right lump since my still open draining area isn't in the right spot according to him. He looked at my MRI and at the ultrasound images and thinks they biopsied the wrong lump.

So since they put a marker into the lump they biopsied, they are waiting for the area to heal and in 3 weeks, I will have another MRI to see if the marker is in the correct lump. If it is, then it is not cancer but should be watched every 6 months because it did have an uptake in the dye. If it isn't, then it's another biopsy only this time they will do it via the MRI which means I get to have it done via lala land.

So we are back in a holding pattern.