Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Parking - Chicago Style vs Burb Style

A lot has been said about the unique way Chicago deals with how one parks on a city street. Chicago has become known for all sorts of things being used to 'save' a parking space you shovel out so when you come home, you have your shoveled space back and thus don't have to shovel another space out. Chicago actually tried to fight this and banned saving spaces but I think that was lifted because all you see on the side streets are inventive ways of saving your spot.

Now I don't live downtown and so I don't have to worry about shoveling myself out. The burbs are much more sophisticated. We snowplow our driveways into the street so the snow plow has to come back down our street and plow again - it's a burb thang! But our problem doesn't come into play with where we are going to park our cars at home, it's trying to park at shopping centers. The snow is piled high - like very very high - and that piled snow takes over spaces that were usually used for parking.

The problem comes in seeing around these now over 6 feet tall piles without hitting anyone, or finding a space.

That was my problem this morning. I went to the beauty shop which is in a small strip mall - 6 stores max. There are normally plenty of parking spaces for all 6 stores - 24 spaces. But with all the snow we have, the piles took over all but 10 spaces. Now usually a parking space has 2 solid lines and you are supposed to park between said lines. That is what we are taught. In the burbs during snow season, it is every man for himself. If you park next to a snowbank, you are allowed to park helter skelter and take as much space on either side of your car as you want, totally ignoring those solid lines. Who cares if no one else is able to park? All that matters is that you got to park and you took up over 2 spaces. Your car is safe and you don't have to walk on snow.

That happened to me this morning. It took me over 20 minutes to find a space and said space was over 2 blocks away. I had to walk in the street to get back to the salon. Nothing like taking a walk in -3 degree weather, dodging cars and snow piles....just so some a-holes take as much space as they felt they needed.

Guess no one ever told them to stay within the lines - lines are your friends.

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