Thursday, September 3, 2015

Recipe Thursday - Grilled Peaches

One of my favorite end of summer desserts is grilled peaches. I actually just got 5 bushels of peaches from Michigan this past week so I will be spending the next few weeks getting those peaches canned and put up for the winter. But I just can't resist this recipe which I usually make for Labor Day Weekend!

The recipe is pretty simple. I allow a full peach per person. Cut the peach along its seam all the way around and twist the halves off the put. If the pit did not remove itself this way, then remove the pit. I brush the top of each peach with coconut oil then place the cut side down on a hot greased grill, turning every few minutes until you see good grill marks - takes anywhere from 3-5 minutes. I then brush them with butter and flip them over and grill again until you see good grill marks (another 3-4 minutes). I take them off the grill and place them in a baking dish. I brush butter again over the top then sprinkle them with brown sugar and place the dish in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees. This will completely cook the peach and allow the brown sugar to caramelize on top. I put them under a broiler for 1-2 minutes being careful not to burn the sugar. I sprinkle a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg on top and serve with grilled pork chops! YUM!!!!

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