Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I hate being sick

I absolutely hate being sick or feeling sick. I think it is a control thang. I hate that my body is taking control of me. I don't like giving control to anyone. It is driving me up a wall that I can't physically go to the offices let alone be up for longer than a couple of hours before I either start coughing, sneezing, or have to blow my nose which never seems to let up. I look like Rudolph and am feeling miserable and in a pity party right now. All I want to do is feel better. This started last Wednesday. Friday I broke down and went to the doctor cuz hubs came home and threatened me. Doc said I had bronchitis. I was like no shit sherlock! So a copay later, then a prescription for Z-Pak and an order to stay in bed, steam myself, and pick up some Mucenix (which I had already started taking and already doing all the above), I went to bed. I went to work Saturday am and that 4 hours was the longest day in my life. I came home and went to bed and have been rarely up since. Thank goodness my freezer is stocked so the family hasn't gone hungry and I had just made soup so I had something for me to eat. 7 days later, 5 days after starting the antibiotic of which today was the last day of that, I still feel like shit. So I called another doctor and got an appointment for tomorrow morning. I asked for a prescription for a chest x-ray because I think this went into pneumonia...but no, have to give the doc the copay to get the prescription. I am a nurse and know my body. I am still not able to cough anything up, still running a 100-101 temp, and still feel like shit and now have added a sinus infection to the gamit. Why don't doctors listen? I told the doc on Fri that I needed a stronger antibiotic then. Medical people make the worst patients.............and when I feel better I know this post will thoroughly piss me off as I hate whining people. They are one of my many pet peeves... Oh well....time to go steam myself again.