Sunday, February 18, 2007


I warned you my mind goes all over the place. Today I received a phone call from a former patient turned friend that her husband had died and since they retired to Florida, the service will be next Saturday. That makes 3 deaths within a month of people I personally know. My daughter who came over for highly superstitious and was thankful it wasn't my husband's father or my mother, neither of which would be a surprise as they both have had numerous health problems in the past year. So our dinner conversation tonight was about superstitions.

According to Wikipedia, "A superstition is the irrational belief that future events are influenced by specific behaviors, without having a causal relationship."

Am I superstitious? Nope. But my daughter is. My point was that I am getting older and plain and simple, so are my friends and parents so people are going to be dying. I got the huge eyeroll (you parents know what that eyeroll means).

So are you superstitious and if so, then what about?