Friday, March 9, 2007


Every time I hear a friend who was just diagnosed with cancer or that their cancer is back, I cringe. I know what that feels like. Right now I have a dear friend whose father's Multiple Myeloma is back with a vengenance. He was given less than 2 years as it has progressed that much. He is accepting it. His family is not. They want him to try for a stem cell transplant which if it worked, it would only prolong his life maybe a year as it will not be a cure. I had an aunt who went through the massive chemo required for a stem cell transplant. She was relatively healthy and young going in. This guy is not. He is in almost complete heart failure...yet his family wants him to go for the stem cell. He doesn't want his last year/s spent miserable with the chemo...he just wants to be surrounded by his family and asked me to help them see his viewpoint. It is a huge struggle as I can see both sides. I know if given that prognosis I wouldn't do it which is what I told them. I can only hope they see and understand where he is coming from.