Monday, March 26, 2007


This picture depicts my week. I have pretty well worked non-stop at the offices then come home to put the finishing touches on my lectures for the 4 day seminar starting this Thursday through Sunday and trying to make my Sunday 8am lecture halfway entertaining. Let's see, did I mention I also helped sponsor a surprise 54th anniversary luncheon for my parent's? The topper of that day came when I got into a fight with my mother who wanted to appoint me executor of their estate and will and I said no way Jose....all I want is the pink depression glass and otherwise I am staying clear of my family. Wills and estates tear families apart and I choose not to be there. I will be in charge of their healthcare if they want that and will respect their wishes there but not dishing out the money.

Oh and let's add to my life a 4 page newsletter that the one group of 85 doctors I do consulting work for decided last Wednesday that they wanted this newsletter to send out on Thursday....insert major eyeroll that daughter does so well..... Got it done. Didn't sleep much.

I did slip in some clothes shopping with daughter tonight after work....went to start packing as we leave Wed evening after office hours...and found my 'real clothes' don't fit anymore...way too big! So had some fun....found this really cute outfit but daughter said she would disown me if I bought it (can I help if the capri pants went to my cankles?) I did end up with a few shirts and pants and with my jackets I think I will pass muster. My husband is excited as all he sees me in are scrubs.

You all behave yourselves. I have a busy day tomorrow and then we leave Wed so I doubt I will be back till Sunday as the hotel charges for internet connections. I am hoping since they paid for my room they upgraded that and I can get online at some point....would go into some serious withdrawal...but then again there is hotel sex to keep me busy! What is it about men? Hotels, sand, woman naked....they want sex!

Hubs has been a real PITA lately...very PMSy...I think he knew he was at the end of his rope cuz he made dinner tonight and had it ready when I got home....sigh...I am so easy.....

So be good....or at least have fun!