Saturday, March 22, 2008


This is the theme of post. Hubs and I have been married for 28 and a half years and together for almost 31. You would think you would know that person, right? Yet at times he still comes up with these things totally out of left field where I go, huh?
Who are you and what did you do to my husband?

I swore my teens were kidnapped by aliens and were only returned to me when they got tired of dealing with them. But one expects it of teens.

I am reminded of that one Raymond episode. Debra has PMS super bad. Ray tries to help out by buying her some medicine which is supposed to take away all her moodiness. As in typical real life fashion, his plan backfired. Debra then says, "Did you ever think of hugging me, you jerk?" Raymond responds, "Well, it is pretty hard to hug someone who is trying to kill you."

The only thing that explains my husband's moodiness is that he has PMS. At least when I used to have it, it would only last a few days. I will have to live with this...this...huh?...for a while or until I blow my stack. Here's betting on which comes first..........maybe there is a pill for men......I am willing to bet women would buy it!