Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Views on the Current Politics

Yep that pretty well sums it up.

There's an old saying that you should never discuss sex, politics or religion in polite company. Maybe it was Ms Manners (yeah I did read the book but I don't have to say how much I retained).

I have this ability though...it seems my mouth always seems to open before my foot goes in. I have my thoughts on what is going on.

How many of you are as tired of this election and what's going on as much as I am? Is it possible to discuss these topics with just anyone? Can one agree to disagree? Do you thoughtfully consider what's said and have a cordial conversation of differences?

Yeah, neither can I which is why on these topics my mouth resembles the above image. I have learned, yep the hard way, that zipping the mouth before mouth speaks and foot gets there to shut it up, is the right way to be.

So how's the weather?