Saturday, September 13, 2008

Water Water Everywhere

You would think I am in Texas and in the midst of Ike. But I am not. We have had 6+ inches of rain so far if you don't count the inch in our basement. We have 3 sump pumps going non-stop. We had already closed and winterized the pool for the winter so the 24 foot round pool was only 1/4 full. It is now halfway. This means it usually holds 15,300 gallons of water. When we winterized it, we reduced the water in it to 5,100 gallons. It now has 7650 gallons. Translated to inches of rain = a flippen lot of rain.

We are actually stranded. We can't get out our own driveway. Our street is now a lake. We have 2 rivers flowing on each side of the house. Hubs and I tried to go have breakfast with a friend of ours who flew into Ohare for a meeting. He flew out of Ike from San Antonio into just as much rain. After an hour of trying, we couldn't get more than 5 miles away from our house.

I filled water jugs. We have plenty of food and gas. The generator is ready to do its job if we lose power.

We actually have Ike tonight and tomorrow which is going to help feed this storm and keep it around.

For pics of the area just go to ***www.****** or ****** (As always remove the *** because I still haven't learned how to insert a link into blogger).

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