Monday, March 2, 2009

One Day in My Life

Ever get woken up and you just know the day is going to go downhill from there? Yep today was that day for me.

A full hour before I had to be up, I got woken up by a friend of my husband's. Now said friend has always been a real PITA. We didn't hear from said friend for over 27 years. Then out of the blue the guy has been calling at least 3-5 times a week. I am beginning to get a real clear picture of why his wife divorced him. Usually we just let him go to voice mail and this morning was no different. The difference was that he called in the wee hours of the am. Of course, thinking something was wrong with the inlaws or my parents, I get up to look at caller ID - best invention someone ever came up with! I saw who it was and just went back to bed.

Then I hear the ding - a message has been left. By this time I was awake so I went ahead and got up and listened to the message. Okay, would you call someone that is a full hour behind you in the wee hours of the morning to atone for your sins and for all the wrongs he has thought or done to us? If you are, then you can join the nutcase! He couldn't pick a later time to call - like never?

Next phone call was from FIL's nurse who said that she was cutting down her services this week (I used to work home care so I knew this was coming). No biggie - that is until MIL heard that. She went berserk which resulted in 10 more phone calls - all before I even had a cup of coffee. In her eyes, if he is better, he should be allowed to come home with her which is so far from reality it isn't even in the picture. We are contemplating a full mental capacity examination for her because her thinking has been seriously messed up since her 2 strokes. We have been helping her clean her house. Who saves bank statements? I understand one should save them for the 7-10 or so years but people, we are finding bank statements from 1948. Maybe I should save them for the Smithsonian. Already mentally adding to the Friday list of things to do while at inlaws: find MIL an assisted living place to go to NOW.

Then I go to the office. Gotta love those first phone calls of the day, especially if said first call was from....shall we say, a slightly hard of hearing patient? This was our conversation:

Hi ***, this is *** from Dr *** office returning your phone call. I understand you want an appointment.

Hello, hello hello hello - who is this?

This is *** from Dr *** office. You called to make an appointment. You have one already scheduled for next Monday.


No, Monday.


No, Monday. M O N D A Y

Speak slower dear I am hard of hearing.

Ok now I am thinking no **** but being the good person I am that has sworn off swearing, I just think it and don't say it.

I said you have an appointment already scheduled for next Monday at 2:30PM.

Ok Friday at 11:30am. That's good.

No - I said Monday at 2:30PM.

I heard you - you don't have to shout. Friday at 11:30am.


Then she hung up on me.

Thankfully I had her son's phone number. I called him and relayed the message that his mother has been calling us for an appointment and she has one already scheduled for next Monday at 2:30pm.

Hopefully he gets it.

I won't even go into the rest of the day.

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