Monday, May 24, 2010

Do You Doodle?

A friend's blog prompted this post.

So do you doodle? Did you know your doodling (mindless sketching or aimless drawing when otherwise distracted by other things) can be analyzed a lot like handwriting analysis and can provide an insight into what you are thinking?

I will admit that I doodle, especially when bored. I doodle either flowers or straight boxed lines but I will have to take a look at where I doodle. I will get back to you on that. I would have to say though that I doodle on the left, at the top, and at the right all depending on where I have room on the page.

Take a good look at your doodles: Here are some ways to see your doodler's personality and emotional state of mind.

On the page, where is your doodle?
If the doodle is on the left side of the paper, the doodler is oriented in the past. This person is private minded, reserved and cautious, an introvert. They will take longer to warm up to others and reveal who they are in public places.
If the doodle is in the center of the paper, the doodler is oriented in the present. This person is said to be professional, an extrovert, someone who seeks the limelight.
If the doodle is on the right side of the paper, the doodler is oriented to the potential or future. This person is public minded, outgoing and socially motivated. They are more concerned with the future than the past or present. They are progressive thinkers who function best as a team player.
If the doodle is placed on the top of the paper, the doodler is said to be a postive enthusiastic thinker. This person is an innovator and consistently devises new approaches, concepts and solutions.
If the doodle is placed at the bottom of the paper, the doodler is a negative thinker with a low level of enthusiasm. They are less willing to share or come forth with any ideas at all.

The amount of pressure you put on your doodle tells even more.
Heavy pressure says that you are responsive and have controlled aggression. This doodler may reveal a temper when treated in a manner they perceive as unfair or
Medium pressure says that you have a well balanced nature.
Light pressure says that you are a receptive and sensitive. This doodler is someone who is easily influenced.
Erratic pressure says that you are emotionally unstable. This doodler is someone whose temperament fluctuates and is considered unreliable and untrustworthy.

Repeating the same doodle, shading the doodle, placing the lines of the doodle, and using color in your doodle also tell you about yourself.
Repeating the same doodle over and over on the same page are in a mood that rules the moment. This doodler is being emotionally and mentally compulsive. This is not the time for the doodler to make serious or impartial decisions where others are concerned.
Shading the doodle states that you have differing anxieties such as fear. You are in a state of negativity.
Coloring your doodle tells you even more about the doodler. Using the color blue states that the doodler is in a calmer reflective mood. Red shows the doodler in a heightened mood. Green shows envy or resentment. Yellow shows financial or health concerns. Brown shoes a need for security. Purple shows inconsistency or self importance. Gray shows impartiality or indifference. Black shows anxiety or pessimism.
Placing a line under your image shows that you are seeking balance while placing a line over the image shows that you are seeking refuge.
When your doodle is composed of various designs, this shows that you have diverse talents, have a good imagination and varied interests. It shows that you are not stuck in the moment or are mentally compulsive.
But a dominant design or pattern will often reveal the source of an issue.
If your doodle is an image, they can be as revealing as the above.
Doodling flowers indicates usually that you are a woman. They show that you have a gentle personality, a love of nature, a childlike innocence. They represent the passive aspect of nature. Doodling roses with sharp thorns though show a betrayal of love.
Doodling faces depends on whether or not the face represents you or someone else. A smiley face says the doodler has a happy-go-lucky nature. Beautiful faces are usually drawn by girls and are usually idealized self portraits and that you are a people person. Ugly faces show a dislike of people and a bad temper. Note: cartoons are artworks rather than doodles.
Doodling parts of faces: If you doodle eyes you are showing a frustrated artistic talent and a wish to be desirable. Staring eyes or eyes shown through keyholes show that you have a feeling of being watched and your privacy is being invaded. Doodling voluptous lips indicate a frustrated desire
Doodling people: If you doodle stick figures you are showing an artistic developement that was stalled very early. Interpretation of people doodling depends on the amount of detail, who the figures are, and what they are doing. More complex figure drawings require a lot of thought and actually leave the doodling art and actually become conscious drawings and artwork.
Doodling houses represent home life. A nice neat house shows you are happy at home. But doodling homes with aymetical shapes, untidy lines or no windowns shows you have an unhappy home life. Smoke coming from a chimney shows a welcoming fire and warmth.
Doodling shapes: Doodling regular geometic shapes shows an organized and efficient mind. Doodling triangles which is a geometically stable shape also shows direction and a sense of purpse. Doodling circles shows a form as an eternal whole. There is no beginning or end and also represents the universe. Doodling squares shows a formal, mathematical, scientific order, and shows you are earthbound. Doodling random or abstract shapes: if you have a wandering line that is not closed you are shoing aimlessness and distraction. A purposeful or closed line indicate unease. Doodling stars show an ambitious person and a desire for self-promotion. Little stars show optimism while asymmetrical stars show excess energy. Doodling mazes show a feeling of being lost with nowhere to turn or being unsure of which direction one has to take. Doodling hearts generally shows you are in love or have a romantic disposition.
Doodling boxes or perspective forms shows an advanced stage of artistic development. Simple 3-D boxes show an order mind and a love of routine and a good sense of spatial relationships. Stacking those boxes indicate great stress especially if that stack is in danger of toppling. Complex 3-D boxes are usually done by artists and designers or anyone who uses technical drawing. The doodler of these are motivated to experiment with design.

So what do you doodle?