I just love this amazing website. This is one of the pictures there. The website is: http://greatday.com/motivate/
Here is a message from there:
Seek to give
Whatever you desire for yourself, desire it for others as well. That will help to take you beyond the constraining influence of your ego.
There is nothing of any value to be gained by taking from others. For anything you take away from someone else can just as easily be taken from you.
Instead, choose to become the living embodiment of that which you wish to have. Give energy and focus and action to your dreams, and those dreams will come to life all around you.
The more people who benefit from your positive thoughts and efforts, the more quickly those efforts will bring valuable results. To experience great abundance, be a channel through which that abundance can flow.
Make a positive difference that extends into the lives around you. Create value that goes beyond you.
It is by giving that you make room to receive even more. Seek to give what you wish to have, and it will surely become real for you.
-- Ralph Marston