Isn't that a pretty hotel room? Doesn't it look clean? Don't let looks deceive you. Just as we can 'pretty up' our house for guests....so can hotels/motels. Hotel/motel rooms are notorious for zillions of germs. Do you really think those maids clean? Their idea of clean is do clean the whole floor (or more) within the shortest amount of time. Disinfectants? Nada. You are lucky to get things wiped down and the carpet swept. For goodness sakes....don't bring a black light with you. You won't want to see what that room looks like under black light (for those not in the medical field or watch shows like CSI.....one uses a black (ultraviolet) light to find bodily fluids like semen ...imagine what it might say if you put it in the bathroom.
Hotel/motel rooms are supposed to be cleaned every day. They do change the sheets and towels...that you can tell. BUT when was the last time that bedspread or blanket or pillow was laundered or cleaned? Probably never. I have been in $500.00 rooms and they are no cleaner than the local Motel 6 with a vibrating bed. Yes, I took a black light to a few hotel rooms once just to see what I could see. I saw plenty!
I know we live in a world of germs but come on....standard hotel rooms in Chicago are at least $200.00 per night. Now a typical hotel has say 1000 rooms. That is $200,000.00 per day. You would think one could get a clean room. Don't count on it. Want to know where most adults pick up warts besides gyms? Yep hotel rooms.
What to do: complain if the room you walk into is not visually clean when you walk through that door. Bring your own sanitation (a large can of Lysol works wonders). Make sure before you take your shoes off, before using the bathroom, before laying anything down on the bed, or before unpacking your suitcase that first take off the bedspread and put it in a corner you don't plan on going to. Then you open said suitcase where the Lysol can is and take that can of Lysol and do the following: spray everywhere - the phone, the night stand, the headboard (you would be surprised at how much those lit up under black light), the lamps, the carpet, the clocks, the bathroom counters, toilet, bathroom floors, faucets, bathtub and shower areas, airconditioning unit vents, door knobs, bed (yep the bed especially - Lysol kills bedbugs), pillow, counters, desks, drawers, chairs, tables, etc etc etc. Use it all. You will need it. I always pack a minimum of 2 cans of Lysol. I rarely have the maids enter my room. I only ask for new towels and exchange them with the maid myself. I don't allow them to enter my room.
Remember....you might not be the only one who gets into hotel sex! Envision what went on in that room before you. Think the worst! Pack accordingly!