Sorry I haven't been here. I attended a family reunion for my side of our family - 38 of us this year along with a cousin from TX. I knew this reunion would be hard but it started out a lot harder than normal: one of my sisters decided to send emails out in May for menu suggestions. Mine was sent to an email address that I no longer use - actually it is used for our cable only and I have repeatedly told my family not to use it anymore since I don't check it anymore. Last Wednesday I happened to check that email address and found 6 emails back and forth from members of my family discussing what they all wanted. Well, I couldn't eat one thing that was planned. So I wrote a protest email stating that the person who sent the email managed to get my proper email address to lamblast me on an email I had written about grief but couldn't find the proper email address for me just a mere 2 weeks later and instead deliberately left me out of things. I ended up just bringing my own food which my husband and son wanted to do too.
Now that was the start of the weekend. When we got there, said sister was in bed and only a few still up. We chatted a bit then went to bed. Have you ever seen a child who 'puts on an act' and makes sure he has an audience before either saying something or crying? Then keeps making sure others are seeing him cry? Well, that was my sister. I know we all grieve at our own rate and in our own time but come on.....that was all an act. It didn't go over well either. Then on top of it, my father was presented with a very expensive present that 2 of the family had absolutely no idea it was not only being given but also given in our names (then money was asked for to pay for it - I refused - sorry we don't have that kind of money to spend. On Sunday we cleaned up then drove to my dad's house to scatter my mom's ashes on her rose bushes and to go through her closets per my father's request. Yep said sister made a scene again stating this was the 3rd time she had done this this year. Even her daughters didn't know who she was talking about and when confronted, she backed down and said nothing. Things were brought to the living room to be sorted so I could participate (I barely managed being on crutches all weekend - there was no way I was going to climb stairs or try to walk around on my parent's thick carpeting). By this time both my knee and ankle were killing me anyway. So that all done, daughter and I headed home (hubs, son, and son-in-law had already left after lunch).
But I have to say that I don't understand my sister and if this is how she will be acting the rest of our lives, I don't want any part of it. My father is not a child and neither am I. I don't need a mother and she will never be mine although she tries to act like it. Funny thing is, even her kids say she is a different person now.
All I know is that I was exhausted after the weekend and both my knee and ankle hurt like the dickens. But another of my sisters picked up a bushel of peaches for me and 10 pounds of blueberries and I have been busy canning them this week along with working for sick employees. Oh and I dropped something on top of my foot of my bad ankle. It's all swollen and black and blue and hurts but no fractures thank goodness.
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