I was browsing the news trying to see what has been happening in the world since this past Monday when my world as I knew it fell apart. I came across this article. My comments are after:
– Fri Oct 8, 2:01 pm ET
LONDON (Reuters) – Britons find being older than 52 is nothing to laugh about because that's the age when they start becoming grumpy, according to a survey on Friday.
The poll of 2,000 Britons found those over 50 laughed far less than their younger counterparts and complained far more.
While infants laughed up to 300 times a day, that figure had fallen to an average of six laughs by teenage years and only 2.5 daily chuckles for those over 60, the survey for cable TV channel Dave found.
Men were also found to be grumpier than women.
One reason for the decline in mirth might be the lack of joke-telling skills. The study found the average Briton only knows two jokes.
(Reporting by Michael Holden; Editing by Steve Addison)
Okay okay, I can totally relate to this article and totally relate that men are grumpier than women especially one I know very well. This past week my schedule has gone to working physically at all the 4 offices 12 hours a day and on my feet which don't particularly care for that and my sleeping time consists of a few hours a night. Top my working hours with having MIL in the ER Monday night (a story that needs to be told all on its own), FIL in the ER Tuesday night then finally being admitted at 2:30am Wednesday, then running out to see FIL after patient hours every day. Sleep time has been reduced to 4-5 hours a night. It does not make a person happy.
BUT men? Tired men = totally grumpy + the age factor = could be nominated and win for the grumpiest man on the face of this world.
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