Sunday, July 5, 2015

Inspirational Sunday - Regret

Regret - what a huge word! And I bet you are wondering why on earth I would use that word as part of an Inspirational Sunday.

Well, let's start with the definition. Regret as a verb means to feel sad, repentant or disappointed over something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity. Regret as a noun means a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done.

So what does regret have to do with anything inspirational? Well, one can't go on the definition alone. Are there things I regret? Not really. We are all busy with our lives. We have priorities and we are making the best decision we can at the time. But realistically can anyone tell me a regret they have had in the past 10 years? When I asked some of my friends, most regrets they stated they had were actually things happened to them when they were younger. Or having someone die without a call or leaving something unsettled or unsaid. They were all surprised by my answer.

Attending my 40th high school reunion, I came face to face with some of the bullies and popular kids who I always envied. It was interesting at the reunion to see how they have aged. Most were on their 3rd or 4th marriages. Most were drunk at the party and I am fairly certain that is how they lived their lives. One party to the next. Do I ever regret being like them or a member of their group? No I didn't then and still don't. I always knew I was different from them. I probably won't be attending another reunion but I don't regret going because I understand now why I never had wanted to go before. It was nice catching up with some people but if they were my true friends they would still be in my life today.

Actually I have no regrets. I have done pretty much what I wanted when I wanted to. I am not perfect and I have made mistakes but I don't regret making those mistake because it was the learning experience making that mistake that helped me grow and become who I am today.

So if I don't have any regrets, then why did I choose this as a topic? Because of something my father told me this past week. He stated that if I didn't do this or that or go there or here, that I would regret it my whole life. I told him I had no regrets because every decision I have made since I can remember I have made based on decisions I made. I don't think he liked my answer but I own my answer. I actually asked him if he had any regrets. He asked me why. I said I was just curious. He said he did have regrets. I didn't ask him what they were or if he regretted never knowing who I am as a person because frankly, it didn't matter. He owns his regrets. I don't.

So if you are one who does have regrets - turn those things that you regret into a positive - take those things you regret, dissect them, and use them to change that behavior or action. Never let a negative regret stay in your life. The above quote says it all.

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