Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Wish List

I think I did this before but don't have time to go back and check and anyway since I am a woman. I have the right to change my mind and my wish list.

My revised wish list is based on the following:
1. My MIL won't call and cancel Christmas because she is a passive aggressive and feels the need to play martyr every few hours.

2. My inlaws are put into assisted living so I don't have to worry about them. They were both outside removing the 8 inches of snow they got yesterday and slipped and neither could get each other up so a neighbor saw them and came over. Neither were hurt. But that could change today when I see them. Did MIL have the cell phone on her? Nope. It was in the house once again. Do they have to worry about snow removal? No - I hired a service to take care of it. Why were they outside doing it? They wanted their mail. I.Have.No.Words.For.Them.Anymore.Except.Please.Feel.Free.To.Shoot.Me.If.I.Ever.Become.Like.That.

3. I want a husband who sleeps and is not an insomniac. Why you ask? Well, he got up in the middle of the night which he usually does. It stopped bothering me long ago. Only this time, the TV wouldn't work. He determined it was the satellite dish outside that had too much snow on it. Did he wait until morning? Why no - why should he do that? He instead got the extension ladder out of the garage (mind you he is still on the 10 pound max lifting restriction from his surgery). He took said ladder to the dish and then got a bucket of hot boiling water from the kitchen. Took said bucket up the steps of the ladder and threw the water on the dish. Not once but three times he went up and down that ladder. Wait - it gets better. We have 22 inches of snow on the ground. A sane person would realize that ladder in snow = slippery base of support. I am surprised he made it up and down 2 times. Third try he wasn't so lucky. The ladder slipped when he was tossing the bucket of water. He fell. Now if he had landed in the snow he should have been cushioned. But no, my husband had to fall feet first and one foot and leg landed in the window well and broke it the window well. It took him 20 minutes in 10 degree weather to get out of said well. He got inside and looked at his leg and decided it was a small gash only. Now you are thinking - where I was, right? Sleeping - where all people should be at 4am. Do you think he carried his cell phone on him - nope. Parents and son = same genes - no wonder they are like that. He.Is.Getting.A.Room.Next.To.His.Parents.

So my revised list would be at least ONE STRESS FREE DAY............
pretty please?

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